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Barbarians, knights & cybercriminals - Myra promotes more IT security with creative appeal 

MYRA NEWS | 23 February 2022

Myra Security and Jung von Matt visualize digital and thus invisible dangers. The campaign launches on February 23.

Insight into the History of Attacks video - scene in today's time

One thing you can be sure of: that man is not safe. Neither in stone age caves, nor behind medieval castle walls, nor behind barred bank counters in the Wild West. Myra Security vividly illustrates this with the centerpiece of its latest awareness campaign: the barely two-minute film "The History of Attacks," in which the two heroes Brian and Pete go on a perilous journey through time. The film ends with the realization that we modern people can at least protect ourselves effectively against cyberattacks. And that is sorely needed: cyber dangers are now the biggest concern for companies worldwide (Allianz Risk Barometer 2022).

According to Bitkom, digital attacks cause 223 billion euros in damage per year in the German economy - and the trend is rising. However, cyber risks are often still underestimated, and this is where the Myra campaign comes full circle: it brings the urgency of IT security into the focus of decision-makers in an emotional and entertaining way rather than in a technical and informative way.

Education through infotainment: this is how the security technology manufacturer is breaking new ground. The goal of creating more awareness for the essential topic of IT security requires extraordinary approaches. A team of over 100 people and four different filming locations are behind the elaborate video. For the necessary punch, Myra Security put the implementation in the hands of the internationally renowned agency Jung von Matt and the video professionals from The Sweetspot Studio.

"Important topics need strong communication," says Myra founder Paul Kaffsack. Head of Marketing Philipp Herrmann adds: "Cyber attacks are among the greatest threats of our time. Of course, the film shows the value of our products - but it's also a general appeal to better protect ourselves against this invisible danger."

"It was important for us to also emotionally engage a technical, professional target group," says Lars Grübler, Creative Director at Jung von Matt NEXT ALSTER. "Cyber attacks are invisible. But we've managed to use historical parallels to make the danger palpable and dramatize it on a human level."

In any case, Brian and Pete can relax currently, despite numerous attacks on their IT infrastructure: Myra's certified Security-as-a-Service platform protects them, just like many other essential digital services in our modern lives.

The campaign video will be played out on social media such as LinkedIn starting today. And for those who want to know more: the campaign landing page breaks down the story of the video, points out analogies and creates the current reference to the present.

Stone Age
In the eye of the primeval monster - the monster attacks the hero Brian, quite unexpectedly, just as DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks hit their victims.

History of Attacks - Dragons eye

History of Attacks - Dangers in the Middle Ages

Middle Ages
Precisely targeted - the knight scene in the movie stands for the targeted exploitation of vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure.

Bank robberies like the one in the film tend to be history today. Modern cybercriminals target the digital services of financial institutions from a safe distance to extort ransoms.

History of Attacks - Dangers of the Western Time


Modern times
The central message from the film: long-term IT security is feasible.

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